PSO-RITE - Psoas Muscle, Back, Hip Flexor Release Tool

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Simple. Aggressive. Unmatched. The Pso-Rite® is the most revolutionary self-care mobility tool of our time. The psoas complex (hip flexors) are considered to be the soul of our body. They regulate our fight or flight response, support our digestive organs, regulate our breathing, and aid in pumping blood and lymph through our body.

Designed to be the shape of a therapist’s hand and the hardness of an elbow, you now have your own in-house therapist to correct pain and dysfunction in the hip region any time you want. Pressure and only pressure is what releases muscle tissue in the human body. While other companies design soft products and try to convince you that pain can be “relaxed” away, the Pso-Rite® was designed to provide relief on the deepest level for any age, size, and shaped individual out there.

Specifically designed to use one peak at a time on each psoas muscle, the Pso-Rite® is just as effective at releasing tightness in nearly every muscle of the body. Use it on your hamstrings, thigh, inner thigh, calf, glutes, lower back, upper back, triceps, biceps, and chest. YOU ARE THE PRESSURE! The ideal product for hip stretches and a self hip and back massage.

The Psoasrite is a great trigger point physiotherapy tool great for self-massage and muscle release. Used by specialists worldwide, it is up there with the best physiotherapy equipment NZ has to offer.

Consult with your doctor before using this product.

Made in the USA

Patented | D823,479


L = 10.7"    W = 5"     H = 5.3"      Peak to Peak = 6.3"




Ibs = 1.155     oz = 18.48   

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